Moolangi Akki Rotti | Mooli Roti | Radish Flatbread

In my thali~
🔸Moolangi akki rotti
🔸Green grapes
🔸Cucumber chutney
🔸Banana slices with a sprinkle of sugar
🔸Niger seeds chutney
🔸Peanut chutney
🔸Roasted chana chutney
🔸Homemade curd

Akki rottis are a very popular breakfast dish in Karnataka. These are gluten-free rotis/ flatbreads made of rice flour. Often various herbs and vegetables are added to rice flour for variations. Rice flour has a neutral taste because of which it accommodates other flavours very well. I have earlier shared many variations of this traditional dish made of pumpkin, bottlegourd, cucumbers, beetroot, dill leaves, and purple cabbage.

Daikon/ White radish/ Mooli (Hindi)/ Moolangi or mullangi (Kannada) is a root vegetable consumed across globe. It was first domesticated in Asia.

Radishes grow in a variety of shapes, lengths, colors, and sizes, such as red, pink, white (most common in Asia), gray-black, or yellow radishes, with round or elongated roots. It is most commonly eaten raw as salad vegetable, raita, or cooked in stuffed parathas, sambar, chutney etc.

Radishes have special stomach-soothing properties and can help with digestion. They are a natural diuretic that keep kidneys healthy. They are rich in vitamin C, folic acid and natural fiber too.

Moolangi Akki Rotti/ Mooli Roti/ Radish Flatbread is a way one could include this vegetable into a gluten-free diet regime. Radish has a sharp taste, but when combined with rice flour and assorted spices, it is totally masked, making it perfect for those fussy eaters.

Note: Always use fresh & tender radishes because they are more juicy and the taste is less sharp.

Moolangi Akki Rotti Recipe

Recipe makes about 7 rottis

1 Cup = 150 ml


  • Rice flour – 2 cup
  • Radish – 1, medium
  • English cucumber – 1, medium
  • Onion – 1, medium
  • Green chilli paste – 1 tsp
  • Cumin seeds – 1 tsp
  • Salt – 1/2 tsp approx.
  • Curd – 3/4 cup
  • Water – 3/4 cup approx.


1) Preparation: Rinse well both radish and the cucumber. Peel the radish. Retain the cucumber skin. Grate radish and cucumber. Finely chop the onion.

2) Take rice flour in a large mixing bowl. Add grated radish & cucumber, finely chopped onion, cumin seeds, green chilli paste and salt.

3) Mix well.

4) Add curd.

5) Mix well. Mixing the ingredients with curd will give you a rough idea of how much water will be required to form the dough.

6) Now add water little by little.

7) Form a semi-soft dough that can be easily spread on pan by patting with your fingers.

8) Add 1 teaspoon oil to a non-stick pan. Take a fistful of dough and form a rough ball.

9) Roll the ball in the oil on the pan. Place it in the center of the pan and flatten the ball with your fingers.

10) Spread evenly throughout the pan. Cook on high flame.

12) Once light brown spots start showing, turn off heat.

13) Since the rotti is spread so thin, the other side doesn’t need to be cooked.

Serve it with your choice of chutney powders – putani/ roasted chana chutney, shenga/ peanut chutney, gurellu/ niger seeds chutney powder with curd or if you are looking to try something new, try serving with Cucumber Chutney!

If you happen to try this Moolangi Akki Rotti Recipe; leave a comment, let me know how it turned out. Use in your Instagram posts – #theredplatechroniclesbymeenadanti and tag @theredplatechronicles To see more of my work, follow me on

Have a great weekend!

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